viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

"Workshop on Risk Communication - Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health" European Commission January 20, 2013

Aunque con algo de retraso, os comunicamos el mensaje que recibimos hace poco desde la IEMFA. Esperemos que el gran trabajo que viene desarrollando esta alianza internacional de científicos logre ir modificando las legislaciones nacionales para acabar con la permisividad existente en relación con la contaminación electromagnética y fuerce un cambio en la actitud de empresas como Red Eléctrica de España que, de manera interesada, mantiene por principio (apoyándose en estudios caducos y totalmente superados) la inocuidad de sus líneas eléctricas.

Encara que amb una mica de retard, us comuniquem el missatge que vam rebre fa poc des de la IEMFA. Esperem que el gran treball que ve desenvolupant aquesta aliança internacional de científics aconsegueixi anar modificant les legislacions nacionals per acabar amb la permissivitat existent en relació amb la contaminació electromagnètica i forci un canvi en l'actitud d'empreses com a Red Eléctrica de España que, de manera interessada, manté per principi (recolzant-se en estudis caducs i totalment superats) la innocuïtat de les seves línies elèctriques. 

January 20, 2013 the International EMF Alliance gave a presentation in the European Commission for the "Workshop on Risk Communication - Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health" the European Commission invited the International EMF Alliance for the Stakeholder Dialogue Group on EMF.
The conclusions:
  • 1. Regarding the protection of the general public from potential effects of EMF, the EU Treaties give the primary responsibility to the Member States and do not confer the Commission competence to legislate. The Council Recommendation on EMF exposure limits (1999/519/EC) was adopted to propose a common protective framework to guide the action of Member States in the hope to bring coherence among the various national approaches. Following the subsidiarity principle (apart from workers' protection), the role of the EU institutions is limited to provision of independent scientific advice (SCENIHR's work) and to coordination and harmonization of the Member States policies as well as promotion of the best practices.
  • 2. Regarding the risk communication approaches presented at the Workshop, it is apparent that there is a need for interaction between different jurisdictions. This should increase the clarity and the effectiveness of the message for the general public. Therefore, the participants of the Workshop expressed their interest in continuing the Dialogue in its current configuration (stakeholders and member states representatives) on the same, risk-communication theme.
For all presentations follow this link.

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